We are open and have made the following changes/additions to our office to protect our clients and staff.
Mailbox Dropbox:
We have a new larger secure mailbox outside our office to drop of any documents you need to give us.
If you would like to meet with us in person or online, please make an appointment by calling Stacey at 705-241-7683.
Masks and Physical Distancing:
For in person appointments, we ask that you wear a mask and practice social distancing.
We are able to accept online payments and are all set for contactless payment via TAP for credit or debit cards in the office.
We have enhanced cleaning protocols for “high touch” and common areas. We have a supply of hand sanitizer for you to sanitize your hands upon entry and exiting the office.
Please be mindful of our attempts to keep the office safe and limit bringing companions if it is not necessary.
Personal Belongings:
Please leave all non-essential personal belongings at home or in your vehicle.
Thank you. We look forward to providing you with the same level of professional service you expect from our office.
Call Us for an Appointment
Ted Pollock CPA CA CFP
450 Hume Street, Unit#2
Collingwood, Ontario L9Y 1W6
Office: (705) 241-7683
Fax: (705) 532-0325